Плюс восхищенные отзывы партнерш по работе ("Конец парада", ожидаем осенью):
"He is phenomenal. The amount of work that goes into his roles, he has a great work ethic and a genius mind, he is so inspiring. He really raised the bar for me and he had this integrity and genuineness. I feel really blessed to have worked with him. Plus he is so much fun, he's become a good friend." Adelaide Clemens
"I was just so pleased to get the chance to actually do some meaty work with him, because I admire him. I think he’s brilliant. And, he’s a great, great sparring partner." Rebecca Hall
Даже если бы у меня было плохое настроение, сейчас от него не осталось бы и следа. Но оно и так было радостно-довольным, так что сейчас ко мне можно подключать проводки — лампочка обязательно загорится!)))
Утащено у Odillia.